Thursday 15 January 2015

Benny Baby And The Terrible Thing Called Tummy-Time

As you know from a previous story, Benny Baby had saved a ladybug from an evil old witch who lived in a cave behind his parents' house. This ladybug was very, very grateful to Benny Baby and of late would sit upon leaves of flowering plants and wonder about how she could repay Benny Baby for his kindness. 

It happened to be a very hot summer's day, with the sun beating down strongly upon all of nature, and the ladybug felt happy that she could perch upon a broccoli leaf in the shade of its taller stems and leaves. 

She had almost dropped off to sleep when she heard a baby crying! It could only be Benny Baby, she thought. I wonder what is the matter? He seems to be making a dreadful fuss. Perhaps I ought to see if I may do anything to be of service?

Then the ladybug decided that it might not be a good idea to fly in through the window as Benny Baby's Mummy or Daddy might see her and rightly wonder what her business was. Benny Baby had stopped crying by now and perhaps the matter could wait. 

As the afternoon became evening, the ladybug thought up a clever ruse: she would creep into the laundry basket when Mummy took in the washing and from there she might be able to sneak a way to Benny! So, when Mummy took Benny Baby out for some fresh air while she took in the washing, the ladybug quietly crawled into the laundry basket. She was not noticed, and happily travelled with the washing into Benny Baby's living room. 

Now, it happened that Mummy fed Benny Baby at about 6 o'clock in the evening and would place him on his tummy on the floor for some "tummy-time" as she called it. It was very familiar to the ladybug but it seemed that Benny Baby hated tummy-time and would protest loudly in wails and grizzles whenever he was placed in such a position. "Aaahhhhh, hmmmmmmm!!!" Wailed Benny Baby. 

"Oh Baby!" Cried Mummy. "Tummy-time is very important for you! You'll learn to strengthen your muscles so that you will be able to crawl one day!" This made sense to the ladybug, but it did not make sense to her that Benny Baby seemed to hate tummy-time so; she flew over to him when Mummy had gone into the next room and asked, "Benny Baby why don't you like tummy-time if it's so good for you?"

Benny Baby sucked his thumb, his eyes wide with interest. He could not think of a good explanation. And he was very interested to see his ladybug friend again. "Hoooooo" he said. He was very happy to see her so well and apparently recovered from her ordeal with the witch. "I love tummy-time," the ladybug continued. "It's how I spend all my time, unless a gust of wind or some unkind person flips me onto my back." Benny Baby stared. He knew all about that! "I can't suck my thumb, though," observed the ladybug. "I can't reach them!" Benny Baby didn't think ladybugs had thumbs, at least not like babies, but he thought it might hurt the ladybug's feelings if he pointed that out. "Aooooo" he hooted. To the ladybug's surprise he rolled over from his tummy to his back. 

"Oh!" She exclaimed. "That is clever! You do that so easily! Though I don't understand why you'd want to; isn't it uncomfortable?" Benny Baby smiled coyly. He curled his feet almost up to his chin and rolled onto his side. The ladybug had to bend her head in the most awkward fashion to look at him. "Errgghh" said Benny Baby with a final effort, and rolled forward on his elbows onto his tummy again. 

"Well, I never!" The ladybug was very surprised. "Why do you complain so if you can roll like that? I'd never be able to do that so easily in a million years!" She was about to press Benny Baby about it when she had to quickly disappear amongst the washing. Mummy had come in to take Benny Baby for his bath. Benny Baby smiled as Mummy carried him out. It was his secret. 

Even Mummy didn't know. 

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