Thursday 15 January 2015

Benny Baby's Best Friend

This is the story of how Benny Baby met his best friend, Miss Butterfly. Miss Butterfly was actually a fairy in disguise, although quite why she was in disguise nobody knew. Benny Baby suspected it was because she wanted to hover amongst the flowers when babies were near. She loved children dearly, and changed herself into a butterfly to be around them, because as we all know it's not safe for fairies to be amongst most children in their real form. They are much too sparkly and twinkly and children tend to like to put sparkly, twinkly things in their mouths. Unless, of course, they are much older. Butterflies are not particularly safe from sticky grasps either, but to be a butterfly seemed more appealing to the fairy than to be, say, a hornet, or a fly. 

Benny Baby was one of these babies that liked to put everything in his mouth. One day, Daddy was working hard in his vegetable garden, and had Benny Baby with him, sitting with the Misha Monster underneath the grapefruit tree. The butterfly spied him from a flower she had been scenting. Benny Baby looked so cute and so handsome that she decided she must have a closer look. She flittered towards him and alighted on his arm, staring straight up into his face. 

Benny Baby looked at her with surprise. She was the prettiest thing he'd ever seen. He wanted to put her in his mouth! He was just about to catch hold of her when she cried out in a panic, "no, Baby! Don't put me in your mouth! You will hurt my wings, and I want to be your friend!"

The Misha Monster stared solemnly at the butterfly. "Well if you didn't want him to put you in his mouth, why did you come so close?" He asked, in his velvety voice. Benny Baby resisted the urge to grab the butterfly and made a small wail of questioning protest. The Misha Monster started cleaning his face in disinterest. He didn't have much time for butterflies, as he could never catch them. 

"Oh, you just look so beautiful!" Gushed the butterfly. "I'm really a fairy in disguise, you know. I simply adore children, and you are quite the most beautiful baby I have ever seen!" 

Benny Baby chortled. He liked the butterfly. She had a kind face, a bit fuzzy, and said nice things - the sorts of things Daddy said. Daddy's face was a bit fuzzy too. Benny Baby decided that he wanted to be the butterfly's friend. 

"Goooo" he cooed with a smile. The butterfly, who had hovered out of reach when Benny Baby made to grab her, now made herself comfortable on his thumb. "May I visit you?" She inquired. Benny Baby kicked his legs excitedly. Of course she could! They could have such fun together! When Daddy came to take Benny Baby inside the butterfly hid in the grapefruit tree; but not after giving Benny Baby a kiss and a promise to visit him soon. She made good her promise, and lay beside him all that night, whispering sweet dreams in his ear as he slept. 

Over the summer the butterfly visited Benny Baby every day. They got to know each other rather well! She knew exactly where his bedroom window was, and what his bed- and nap-times were; those were the best times to meet because then Benny Baby's Mummy and Daddy were none the wiser. It is not the priviledge of grown ups to meet fairies. They constantly write about them, though. I think that is because although they do not remember fairies, some vague sense in them recalls fairies they knew as babies. 

At least, that's what the butterfly thought when Benny Baby put the question to her. 

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